Every two months, as Co-Chair of the IHRIM Link (soon to be renamed), I “edit” the next issue. It gives the wonderful opportunity to really read the issues as I look for the minor errors of authors and the publishing process. Kudos to Tom Faulkner, Futura Publishing and to each of our fabulous guest editors for each issue! I’ve taken to tweeting as I review and here provide my log for the issue to be published in January. I started it on the holiday break and kept coming back to it amidst the festivities of two weeks of grandkids. In the list below, I’ve inserted comments from tweeters and Facebookers in italics.
Readers can
subscribe to the IHRIM Link for just $37.95 and as I’m on the planning committee for the NEW and improved publication to be released in April, I highly encourage you subscribe. We have exciting plans! Even better, join IHRIM and you receive the periodical as part of your membership.
Here goes:
Looking forward to editing latest #IHRIM Link on "leading practices" banishing the term "best practices". Kudos Yvette Cameron, Saba. grtjob
Newest @IHRIM Link issue compiled by Yvette Cameron. Anyone at @SabaSoftware -- tell her she did a great job!
Nxt @ronhanscome Starting edits with article requesting semantic change of "best practice" to "leading practice" Bottom line - no 1 magic bullet
By the way. No one on Twitter commented, but lots did on Facebook. Leading practices is definitely the preferred term.Next by @SyncoJonkeren. To differentiate from peers orgs should adopt new sourcing models including outsourcing
This article is aptly titled, “Unchain HR”Nxt article: Talent Management for “New Normal” Why the Wisdom of the Crowd is Now the Catalyst for Change @UpdateMaksim @sabasoftware GRT!
Join @ihrim to read gr8t article by @UpdateMaksim. How 2 use social networking for recruiting, onboarding, performance management & learning
Onboarding tech-don’t waste $ on forms automation, invest in solutions 4 employee socialization that reinforce company culture
OK...done editing @IHRIM Link for today. Going to see the new Clooney movie with family. Happy holidays to all!!
May 2010 be all we wish forActually I saw a ton of movies: Up in the Air, Avatar, Invictus, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squequel (I o have grandkids), and It’s Complicated. Reading "From Change Management to Governance" by @rpannoni.
Footnotes lead to great resources
The Change Handbook: Resource on Best Methods 4 Engaging Whole Systems by @tomdevane covers 60+ change mgt approaches from six sigma to soft
Problem isn't managing change but generating organizational alignment 4 objectives, strategy, tools & methods Governance addresses #rpannoni
First footnote in From Change Mgt to Governance article: @standishgroup. Only 32% of tech projects succeed:
http://bit.ly/t1U1G VERY interesting article: Ulrich for Next Generation: Why a new take on model is needed. Braam & Meijboom
Ulrich's model falls short on overall HR services interactions & no role for exercising oversite. HR services mgr is needed + governance
Next article is Best Practices in Evaluating & Selecting a Talent Management System...or any HR System Fletcher & #mattlafata
Best Practices in evaluating/selecting TM @mattlafata has 10 essential steps for evaluation process and lessons learned. Very insightful
Next article: Why Manage Risks by Martia Newell, #adp. Two-part comment on this coming up.
We have a choice to manage risk proactively or be surprised by problems. Human nature admires firefighting hailing rescuers as heroes.
That’s understandable for burning houses. A major goal of risk management is to prevent projects from catching on fire in the first place.
Nxt article-Leading Practices in Global HR: Determining Your Own “Best” Path Forward, Theresa Brett RexHealthcare. Timely topic
Whoa...now I know why we need editors. That last article is actually by @karenbeaman. Great article - 25 "leading global HR practices"
Leading Practices in Global HR has 25 practices organized by Strategy, Organization, People, Process, Technology, Management
Plus 25 great references (5 come from CedarCrestone research). Got to plug us sometimes! Great quotes by Dee Hock. kudos @karenbeaman
Next article: Harnessing Existing Assets to Drive HR Process Improvements-Financial Services Case Study. Roy Altman, PeopleServe
Altman article starts with the parable of
Stone Soup - a lesson in cooperation and draws parallels to the case story.
Stone soup tale: villagers learn if everyone contributes something of value synergy occurs with benefits exceeding individual contributions.
Next article - Eliott Witkin humorist at @UltimateHCM. You will LOL over finding out if UofMich teaches HRMS. Kudos
Twitter for HR by @steveboese answers the ? how can social networking tools be leveraged for personal/organizational benefit - 3 reasons
Branding, establishing industry thought leadership, active recruiting are the reasons (Twitter for HR) @steveboese. Must read!
This last article is one that every tweeter will want to give their HR department!Again: Readers can
subscribe to the IHRIM Link for just $37.95. Even better, join IHRIM and you receive the periodical as part of your membership.